
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
The Comics Pals Episode 1: Origin Stories
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Welcome to episode 1 of The Comics Pals Podcast, a weekly podcast where a group of comic book journalists, creators, and fans get together to talk comic books on their own terms. For episode one we're discussing how we got into comics, the trailers for Logan and GOTG 2, and how we think the industry could improve sales. Expect weekly discussion about current events in the world of comics, chats with comic creators, and most of all some comic shop talk with the pals. The Pals: Sean: Tell Sean in the comments to get on Twitter! Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/Soundinctrio Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
The Comic Pals Episode 2: Fandom & Entitlement (ft. Titan Comics' Jess Burton)
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Welcome back for Episode 2! Thank you SO much for all the positive feedback on our pilot. We're back this week with our first ever guest Jess Burton from Titan Comics! We're discussing her experience in the industry, Jessica Jones season 2, the Chelsea Cain Mockingbird cover controversy, and the issue of fandom and entitlement. The Comics Pals is a weekly podcast where a group of comic book journalists, creators, and fans get together to talk comic books on their own terms. Expect weekly discussion about current events in the world of comics, chats with comic creators, and most of all some comic shop talk with the pals. The Pals: Sean: Tell Sean in the comments to get on Twitter! Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/Soundinctrio Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
The Comics Pals Episode 3: Doctor Strange Review
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
This week the Pals discuss Wonder Woman and offer their thoughts on Doctor Strange.

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
On this week's episode of The Comic Pals, we discuss what we're reading, introduce a new segment, and discuss which Super Villains we think would be a better President Elect. The News: 1. Dark Phoenix movie? http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/11/1... 2. Humberto Ramos will not be attending cons in states that voted Trump: https://www.facebook.com/ramos.comic/... The Comics Pals is a weekly comic book podcast where a group of comic book journalists and friends get together to talk comics. The Pals: Sean Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/Soundinctrio Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
The Comics Pals Podcast Episode 5: The Death of the Author
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
On this week's show we're casting our dream X-Men team, discussing a ton of news, and debating on whether a creator's actions impact our enjoyment of their work. The News: 1. MARVEL, ABC AND IMAX PARTNERING FOR THE INHUMANS TV SERIES AND PREMIERE MOVIE http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/11/1... 2.Retailers Admit To Not Ordering Any Motor Crush #1 Because It Has A Black Female Lead http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/11/1... 3.Rat Queens has a "soft-reboot" coming in March http://comicsalliance.tumblr.com/post... 4.America, Marvel's New Queer Latina Superhero Series http://www.refinery29.com/2016/11/130... The Comics Pals is a weekly comic book podcast where a group of comic book journalists and friends get together to talk comics. The Pals: Sean Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/Soundinctrio Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
The Comics Pals Podcast Episode 6: Comics We're Thankful For Ft. The Longbox Podcast
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
On this week's show we have our friends Matt and Tyler from The Longbox Podcast joining us for our discussion the "impossibility" of a deal between Marvel and Fox, and the comics we're thankful for this year!

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Episode 7: Battle of the Pals
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
On this week's show we're discussing DCU's movie delays, the Guardians/Spider-Man trailers, and debating whether or not Spider-Man could work as a Netflix show. The News: http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/12/1... http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/12/0... http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/12/0... https://www.playstation.com/en-us/gam... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9Dwo... The Comics Pals is a weekly comic book podcast where a group of comic book journalists and friends get together to talk comics. The Pals: Sean Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/Soundinctrio Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Episode 8: The Fox v. Marvel Debate
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
On this week's show, we're finally having the Fox v. Marvel discussion we teased a few weeks ago, and it gets embarrassingly fanboy-y up in here. You won't want to miss it! Topics: - What We're Reading - Random Question of the Week! - Method Man writing Ghost Rider -Wonder Woman no longer a U.N. Ambassador -Gotham City Sirens movie announcement -Battle of the Pals: The Fox v. MCU Debate -New Segment: Apples & Origins! The Comics Pals is a weekly comic book podcast where a group of comic book journalists and friends get together to talk comics. The Pals: Sean Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/Soundinctrio Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Episode 9: The Christmas Episode
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
This week the boys are without Pete and they talk about the stuff they liked during the year! Topics: -Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! -We got a comment! -Random Question of the Week: What's the best comic themed holiday gift you've ever received? -News: Celebrities we're worried about. (RIP Carrie Fischer. She was drowning in moonlight, strangled by her own bra. The Pals wish her family and friends all the best.) -A review of our favorite comics things that happened during the year! And then Phil talks about some other stuff that happened. -Plugs! The Comics Pals is a weekly comic book podcast where a group of comic book journalists and friends get together to talk comics. The Pals: Sean Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/WoeisMarco_ Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday

Monday Jan 02, 2017
Episode 10: New Hopes for 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
This week the Pals are looking toward 2017 to fulfill all their comics hopes and dreams! Topics: -What we read! Sean- Batman: I am Suicide. Cale- The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Marco- Postal, Nailbiter Phil- Got drunk. That's not a title, that's what happened. -We Got An Email! -The Random Question of the Week: What is your ideal comic book movie including creative team and cast? (Courtesy of Steve Reinhart. Thanks, Steve.) -Thanks for everything Carrie, you'll be greatly missed. -What Are We Looking Forward to in 2017? -Plugs! The Comics Pals is a weekly comic book podcast where a group of comic book journalists and friends get together to talk comics. The Pals: Sean Pete: https://twitter.com/Loud_Pete Cale: https://twitter.com/Totointow Marco: https://twitter.com/WoeisMarco_ Phil: https://twitter.com/Cyborgholliday